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Learning Sustainable Solutions to Global Hunger, Poverty, and Environmental Degradation
Nearly, one billion people around the world still live in extreme poverty. The Heifer
International enable families to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity by linking communities and by bring sustainable agriculture, trade, and businesses to areas with a long history of poverty. The animals that they provide to the people in need is connected to both food and reliable income from agricultural products, such as milk, and eggs, that can be traded or sold at market. They would send people to teach the uneducated about agriculture, herding, and more.
According to one of the education staff from Germany, their motto is, ¡°Passing on the Gift,¡±meaning that when each family passes on the gift to others, it leads to a sustainable society. When many families gain this new sustainable income, it brings new opportunities for building schools, creating agricultural cooperatives, forming community savings, and funding small businesses. The goal of every project is to help families achieve self-reliance by providing them the tools they need to sustain themselves.
In the past, they would send animals, like a Heifer, a female cow, that would help each individual family and then the whole society. But, now, the foundation consists of educational programs for students and families, promoting sustainable solutions to global hunger, poverty, and environmental degradation. They are currently helping local farmers, supporting the farmers around the globe by buying animals from, providing money for things they need, and teaching the visitors about solutions and things they could do to help the end of world hunger and poverty. There are special programs that allow people to experience the poor conditions that people in extreme poverty would experience in a daily base. In one program, they are divided into family units and sorted into a home, based on real places where people in poverty live. The five places are a Guatemalan home, a run-down Appalachia cabin, mud huts in Zambia, a UNICEF tent for the refugee camps, and the urban slums.
Here is a quote by a student from Thomas Jefferson School, ¡°Everyone had to do chores, such as gathering wood or milking goats, most people had time to socialize and glance at the stars¡¦.While we were staying in the Global Village, we (the students) had to cook our own meals using a fire that we started ourselves. Despite difficulties with the heat and humidity, students cooperated and made the experience more positive than it would have been otherwise. The purpose of the trip was to try to understand poverty around the world.¡±
One question that the students had in mind throughout the whole experience was, ¡°If there is enough for all, why don¡¯t all have enough?